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The packaging of this product has been designed with tiny holes to allow air to escape and prevent bursting.
Kindly be careful during handling and/or washing(if you wish to do so).
The packaging of this product has been designed with tiny holes to allow air to escape and prevent bursting.
Kindly be careful during handling and/or washing(if you wish to do so).
The packaging of this product has been designed with tiny holes to allow air to escape and prevent bursting.
Kindly be careful during handling and/or washing(if you wish to do so).
The packaging of this product has been designed with tiny holes to allow air to escape and prevent bursting.
Kindly be careful during handling and/or washing(if you wish to do so).
The packaging of this product has been designed with tiny holes to allow air to escape and prevent bursting.
Kindly be careful during handling and/or washing(if you wish to do so).
The packaging of this product has been designed with tiny holes to allow air to escape and prevent bursting.
Kindly be careful during handling and/or washing(if you wish to do so).
The packaging of this product has been designed with tiny holes to allow air to escape and prevent bursting.
Kindly be careful during handling and/or washing(if you wish to do so).
The packaging of this product has been designed with tiny holes to allow air to escape and prevent bursting.
Kindly be careful during handling and/or washing(if you wish to do so).
The packaging of this product has been designed with tiny holes to allow air to escape and prevent bursting.
Kindly be careful during handling and/or washing(if you wish to do so).